Representatives from TGFSI,SIRGAK and Stale and District level guide associations were present.
Minister had a very patient listening to the issues brought up in the meeting.
TGFSI was represented by President Jayachandran and former President Jairaj. We have brought the issue of touts,foreigners etc are working as tour guidesand wanted tourism department to take strict measures againest it. Tourism Police must be authorised to check the guide ID cards.
Tourist guides were totaly ignored in stake holders meetings in the state. We have brought up this to the minister and an immediate decision was taken at the meeting on it.
We have pointed out need of quality upgradation programs, research and product development, introducing an insuarance covarage for tour guides etc.
We have brought to the notice of the minister that tour guides must be engaged for school college study tours.
We have thanked the minister for convening this exclusive meeting,thus recognising the importance of tour guides.